1 Urethane Band Saw Drive Tire for 16″ Delta 28-560 & 540 – Metal Speed
$17.95Replaces Delta Part# 419961330007
Sulphur Grove Tool’s URETHANE BAND SAW TIRES – Made in the USA from materials sourced in the USA. Each urethane band saw tire is crafted to machine requirements for a perfect fit on your band saw. Custom band saw tires are made to your specs.How to install urethane tires.Always unplug your saw while servicing!Unlike the rubber tires that came with your saw, urethane tires are much smaller and have to be stretched on. If you can, it is recommended to remove the wheels for better access and control while installing the tires.After removing the old tires, clean the wheels of debris and adhesive. Some of the smaller tires can be stretched on by hand. If not, you should start by clamping the weld of the tire to the wheel and work the tire on in both directions by adding clamps as you go. You can use a dowel rod or smooth tool to pry the tire on. Once the tire is on the wheel, the stretch will need to be evened out. With a dowel between the tire and the wheel, roll it around the entire wheel. Reassemble your saw.Click here to download a more detailed instruction document for installing urethane tires(PDF).Click here to see our “Tips & Tools” Installation Jig video
Replaces Delta Part# 419961330007
Replaces Delta Part# 419961330005
Replaces Delta Part# 419960940002
Crowned T-Top Profile 16″ Diameter
Crowned T-Top Profile 18″ Diameter
Crowned T-Top Profile 20″ Diameter
Crowned T-Top Profile 24″ Diameter
Crowned Urethane Band Saw Tire Set 16″ x 1-1/8″ x .150″