SHAPER Origin Gen 2 SO2-NN + Complete Origin System
Shaper Origin SO1-NN + Shaper Workstation SW1-AA + Shaper Plate SV1-AA
Out of stock
- Origin Gen 2
- Tanos Systainer SYS 5
- Two rolls of ShaperTape (150-ft each)
- Tool change accessories
- USB flash drive
- 1/4-inch upcut spiral cutter
- 1/8-inch upcut spiral cutter
- 60-degree engraving cutter
- Universal dust collection adapter
- Workstation
- Shelf
- Workholding parts
- 4 mm Wrench
- 4 spoil boards
- 2 T-track clamps
- Plate
- MINI-Systainer
- Low Profile Clamps
- System 32 Pin
- Leveling Feet