FESTOOL Saw Blade HW 160×1,8×20 TF52 A Aluminium/Plastics 205563
$115.00FESTOOL Saw Blade HW 160×1,8×20 TF52 A Aluminium/Plastics 205563
FESTOOL Saw Blade HW 160×1,8×20 TF52 A Aluminium/Plastics 205563
FESTOOL Saw Blade HW 160×1,8×20 TF52 L Laminate/HPL 205562
for TS 60 K, TSV 60 K, CSC-SYS 50
FESTOOL Saw blade Panther HW 160×1,8×20 PW16 Wood Rip Cut 205559
Functions Perfectly splinter-free from the very first cut. The diamond scoring saw blade scores the top layer of the material, ensuring a splinter-free cut on both sides. Also perfect for challenging HPL materials or melamine coatings. And the diamond tooth means that the saw blade will last a long time. Extremely long-lasting thanks to the…
FESTOOL Screwdriver and drill bit set TID 18 HPC I-Set TPC 18/4 576996 Replaces 576490
FESTOOL Standard cleaning set RS-ST D 27/36-Plus 577257 Replaces 576839
Ships direct within 1 week
FESTOOL Suction hose D 27/32×3,5m-AS-90°/CT 577161
FESTOOL Suction hose D 27/32×3,5m-AS/CTR 577158 Replaces 204921
FESTOOL Suction hose D 27/32x5m-AS/CTR 577159 Replaces 204922
FESTOOL Suction Hose D36/32×3.5m-AS/R 204923
suitable for dust extractors with Autoclean
FESTOOL Suction hose D36x5m-AS/CTR 204925
for cleaning tasks with CT dust extractors
not suitable for dust extractors with Autoclean